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Greetings From KAPEX Alumni 

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Story on 2016 KAPEX Academy

Story on 2016 KAPEX Academy

Felix Paulo

2016 KAPEX  Mozambican Trainee

The training under the KAPEX Academy-2016 Program was a true sharing of experiences not only in professionalism but in all aspects of the life. The Republic of Korea is a wonderful and very developed country with its very warm and hospitable people. It was a 6 month stay. During all the time I was there I enjoyed and spent good moments of life with the KAPEX Academy - 2016 colleagues from partner countries particularly with the KREI/CIAP wonderful people and many Naju citizens.

I was welcomed by the staff as well as the technicians and professors from KREI /CIAP and so many other people involved in the KAPEX Academy 2016 Program. For this reason I present my thanks to them all. My thanks must extend to the people of Naju (Old and New Cities), Seoul and South Korea in general.

Lessons learned

I learnt a lot from South Korea in general about socio-economic development policies and in particular about agricultural development. Along the course I had very experienced, caring and motivational professors. They were very dedicated to the activities of the academy. The lessons were taught in a participative and interactive way. The lectures were centered on the trainees. They always emphasized «learning to do - by doing.

In the agricultural sector, I was very impressed by the farmers organization. The farmers are geographically well-located and structured. Agricultural producers are grouped and located in specific and defined areas. Livestock breeders in turn are grouped together in defined locations near each other so that the agricultural products can be used for the animals and from these to the fields of cultivation.

Cultivated fields have good infrastructure in terms of irrigation systems, full-time electrical power and access roads are present everywhere. Farmers are organized in very strong cooperatives somewhat different from the reality of my country where the priority goes to associations and groups of farmers.Agricultural Cooperatives were great lessons learnt. Farmers sell their produce through cooperatives. The Cooperatives members and their relatives benefit from their achievements.

Research ↔ extension

Agricultural researchers work together in common offices with the agricultural extension officers. This is a fact that facilitates communication in the process of transfer of agricultural technologies as well as in decision making. I was equally impressed by agro-processing, that gives an added value to agricultural and livestock products. Now I as a training officer here I feel technically strengthened and enlightened after I attended the training under the KAPEX Academy 2016. The reality of Korea (a developed country) is different from that of my country (Mozambique). Here despite there are good agro-ecological conditions and a lot of natural resources, we have many challenges to exploit them. We are still a developing country. To minimize the above mentioned challenges we need more trainings and more education.

In my view the KAPEX Academy Program should continue because it helps to illuminate the traineesº vision by sharing success experiences from both Korea and partner countries of the KAPEX Academy program. I personally carry good souvenirs from South Korea and if there was one more opportunity to be back there I would not hesitate to go. It was indeed a wonder and I would not forget the day we did the mountain climbing tour, the study visits as well as the walk to the beach. To end  I would like to address again my gratitude to the Directorate of KREI / CIAP as well as to its officers and personnel. Thank you people from Korea. 
