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Greetings From KAPEX Alumni 

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Warm Greeting from Jakarta, Indonesia

Eka Susanti

Head of International Cooperation

Directorate General of Agricultural Infrastructure and Facilities

Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia




Hi Everyone

Greeting from Jakarta, Indonesia 


My name is Eka Susanti, and I am Head of International Cooperation at Directorate General of Agricultural Infrastructure and Facilities, the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) of the Republic of Indonesia. I am one of the 30 participants of “2020 KAPEX Online Academy Training Program” with partner countries (Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam) which was conducted on November 16th – December 11th, 2020.


It is nice to greet all of you back through this Newsletter after a year has passed. The 2021 is a special year, as we know COVID-19 impacts have led to severe and widespread adverse consequences to every sector including agriculture worldwide. The adverse impacts is still predicted to continue through 2021, 2022, and possibly beyond as the Delta variant continues to spread. In the meantime, KREI executes the 2020 KAPEX Academy Training Program has designed with online system. This is the first time for KAPEX to organize the Program virtually and I am one of those who take a part in the training program with online method. And eventually I acquire a new knowledge and experience.


I would like to thank you for the opportunity to be part of the 2020 KAPEX Online Academy Training Program although we could not visit Korea directly due to pandemic COVID-19. It is surely for the shake of all participants’ safety without sacrificing  the quality of training program as well as its expected output. I am blessed that I was selected for the Outstanding Action Plan at the 2020 KAPEX from Indonesia. I hope that on the next occasion, I will have the opportunity to visit Korea to study modern agriculture and share experience through bilateral cooperation or exchange program.


Let’s back to introduce myself and share about the task of my institution. I work for Directorate General of Agricultural Infrastructures and Facilities (DG of AIF) under the Ministry of Agriculture handling issues to provide infrastructures suited to farmers needs to support increased productivity for Food Crops, Estate Crops, Horticultures and Livestock Subsectors for sustainable agricultural development.

In accordance with Presidential Regulation No. 45/2015 concerning the Ministry of Agriculture, the duties and functions of the DG AIF is making the formulation and implementation of policies for the provision of infrastructure and facilities in agriculture.

Since agricultural sector is gradually shorts of young generation and increasing cost of production, the Ministry of Agriculture implemented massive agricultural mechanization program to boost up production of food crops especially rice, corn, and soybeans. The Directorate of Machineries is one Directorate under of DG of AIF which is responsible to develop agricultural mechanization (pre harvest) through making policies, standards, rules, guidelines, and evaluation, to develop Agricultural Machineries Services and Business to optimize the government assistance through provision and maintenance of Agricultural Machineries.

In connection with that matter, from the policy lecture during the KAPEX Online Training Program, I learnt how Korean government designs and implements agricultural policies using both top-down and bottom-up approaches to boost agriculture productivity and efficiency. Besides, I gained sufficient knowledge on the Overview Korea Policy to develop agricultural modernization from upstream to downstream. The experience and progress of modern agriculture in Korea is our reference to be more advanced and sustained. Field lecture material was also particularly good, so we have a complete picture of the importance of building strong agriculture from upstream to downstream. Advances in technology and human resources certainly have been the basis for the success of this program. Although these lectures taught me a lot and helped me get a large portfolio of value experience, I am looking forward to having a more collaborative beneficiaries through cooperation between Korea and Indonesia in agricultural sector.

Finally, my sincere thanks to KREI to well organize and execute the 2020 KAPEX Online Academy Training Program and many thanks to all lectures for their knowledges. I am looking forward to visiting you directly in the next occasion in Korea with healthy condition.






